Каждый из нас постоянно задумывается над тем, что лучше купить? Чаще всего за советом мы обращаемся к знакомым. Молодые стартаперы из Украины считают, что они могут дать вам "2 совета" о том, какую вещь лучше выбрать. Представляем в проекте "Ру 2.0 в лицах" рекомендательный сервис 2soveta.com.
Илья Барков, разработчик и сооснователь «2 совета»
1. Как, когда и для кого создавался Ваш проект?
2 совета – это сайт для обмена мнениями потребителей об используемых ими вещах. Под словом «вещь» мы понимаем любой предмет, который можно потрогать.
Задумка сделать такой сайт появилась у нас год назад, в сентябре 2008 года, тогда же было придумано название «2 совета» и куплен домен 2soveta.com. Разработка же самого сайта началась в начале 2009 года. В конце весны мы запустили бета-версию сайта, протестировали её на своих друзьях, довели до ума некоторые моменты и в начале июля 2009 публично анонсировали сайт. Так что можно сказать, что наш сервис еще совсем молод. Однако у него весьма неплохие перспективы.
2. Какие web2.0 сервисы реализованы на вашем ресурсе? Что нового и полезного сможет выделить для себя посетитель?
Сейчас существует немало сайтов (интернет-магазины, прайс-сайты и проч.), которые так или иначе помогают доносить до людей информацию о вещах. И на многих из них можно оставлять свои отзывы о вещах и опыте использования их. Но на большей части таких сайтов отзывы – это второстепенный функционал, которому не уделяется должное внимание. На сайтах интернет-магазинов по понятным причинам обычно сложно найти отрицательные отзывы о продаваемых вещах.
А ведь отзывы людей, которые уже пользуются вещью, зачастую становятся решающим фактором для людей, которые собираются приобрести такую же вещь для себя.
И мы решили создать такой рекомендательный сервис, который с одной стороны, поспособствует тому, чтобы люди писали отзывы о тех вещах, которые у них уже есть, а с другой стороны, помогал людям находить полезные отзывы о тех вещах, которые их интересуют.
Люди могут не только писать свои отзывы, но и высказывать своё мнение про отзывы других пользователей – таким образом, на страницах многих вещей уже есть «лучшие отзывы» (в пользу которых высказалось более 3 пользователей), немало и экспертных отзывов. Собственно говоря, само название «2 совета» появилось благодаря идее, что у каждой вещи должно быть два самых лучших отзыва (совета) – один самый лучший среди пользовательских, а второй – самый лучший среди отзывов экспертов.
Конечно, каждый отзыв субъективен. Но когда отзывов много, уже можно сложить какое-то мнение о вещи.
Ну а чтобы людям было интереснее и удобнее пользоваться сайтом, мы сделали сервис вопросов (задавать вопросы вообще, про вещи или про конкретные отзывы), возможность оставлять мини-комментарии к отзывам и много всего прочего.
3. Как пользователи помогают вам в усовершенствовании сервисов, какие были самые интересные предложения от них?
Наши посетители довольно активно помогают нам. Нужно лишь правильно задавать им вопросы . Мы несколько раз обращались к нашим привилегированным пользователям – экспертам. Максимально простым образом – через сайт, при помощи личных сообщений. И они все отвечают, и зачастую дают дельные советы.
Вот, например, именно благодаря совету нашего эксперта мы сделали юзербары 2soveta для форумов и блогов. И на некоторых форумах они уже размещены.
4. Есть ли аналоги вашего ресурса, ориентировались ли вы на западный опыт?
Да, есть западные аналоги. Alatest.com и epinions.com в чем-то похожи на нашу идею. Но все же между 2soveta и западными ресурсами есть некоторые существенные различия. Например, тот же alatest – это большей частью граббер отзывов с других сайтов, в то время как у нас пользователи пишут отзывы непосредственно на сайте. А отзывы на epinions больше похожи не на простые отзывы, а на большие обзоры вещи (наподобие тех, какие публикуются в журналах).
Мы же стремимся придерживаться золотой середины.
5. Какие web2.0 ресурсы вы считаете лучшими в российском/западном интернете и почему?
Кое-что из того, чем сам пользуюсь или пользовался в недавнем прошлом:
• Memori.ru
• Del.icio.us
Социальные сети:
• Vkontakte.ru
• Facebook.com
• Kroogi.ru
• Moikrug.ru
Социальные сервисы:
• Last.fm
• iLike.com
Почему лучшие? Потому что для меня они удобны.
6. С какими сайтами по значимости для целевой аудитории может конкурировать Ваш проект?
Яндекс.Маркет в какой-то степени пересекается с нами по части отзывов, но и там отзывы – лишь дополнение к основному функционалу. Пользователи Яндекс.Маркета имеют возможность оставлять отзывы, но каких-то стимулов для этого нет.
Мы же стремимся сделать процесс общения на 2soveta интересным для наших пользователей. Именно потому мы сделали сайт так густо наполненным социальными функциями: личные профили, рейтинги, стены комментариев, внутренняя переписка, возможность добавлять друг в друга в друзья и отслеживать обновления у друзей – это далеко не полный список того, чем пользуются участники 2soveta.
7. Насколько сложно и выгодно в настоящее время начинание подобных проектов, были ли (Есть ли) у вас инвесторы, и какие финансовые ресурсы вы привлекали (-ете) на создание, поддержку, зарплаты сотрудникам?
Мне трудно судить, насколько это сложно или выгодно. Всё зависит даже не столько от проекта, сколько от людей, его начинающих. Если есть внутренняя уверенность в том, что ресурс будет полезным, то нужно садиться и делать, не слушая скептиков и критиков.
Сейчас инвесторов у нас нет. Пока что все работы по сайту ведутся за счёт своего времени и своих денег. Как будет дальше – посмотрим, определенный интерес к 2soveta.com есть.
8. Собираетесь ли Вы монетизировать ресурс, как? Есть ли планы получения прибыли?
Конечно же, собираемся. У нас есть несколько интересных вариантов монетизации сайта. И это далеко не только реклама, обычно по умолчанию предполагаемая для стартапов. Что же касается деталей – вы всё увидите в действии.
9. Расскажите о вашей команде, кто внес (вносит) существенный вклад в создание и развитие вашего проекта? (кто программировал, кто разрабатывал дизайн? И т.д.)
Сайтом занимаются два человека:
• Семён Кременюк – это он придумал идею сайта, нарисовал дизайн, а также именно он занимается немалой частью организационных вопросов по проекту.
• Илья Барков – это я. Занимаюсь всей технической стороной проекта. Программирование, базы данных, верстка – это всё на мне.
Ну и, конечно же, мы оба решаем все те многочисленные побочные вопросы, которые возникают при работе сайта.
10. Какое количество в данный момент зарегистрированных пользователей и какова динамика роста пользователей/сообщений?
На данный момент у нас около 300 пользователей, которые создали 4 сотни вещей и оставили к ним 9 сотен отзывов, а также задали 50 вопросов и получили 100 ответов по вещам, размещенным на сайте. Уже сейчас у нас есть 5 экспертов (т.е. тех пользователей, чье мнение считается приоритетным - эксперты назначаются администрацией сайта из числа пользователей сайта, исходя из количества и качества их отзывов).
Если учесть, что публично сайт был запущен только в июле, и мы еще не вкладывали никаких усилий и финансов в продвижение сайта, то это – весьма неплохой результат.
11. Как вы собираетесь продвигать ваш ресурс, не только в Москве и других городах, но и в Интернет, и какую планируете посещаемость через год?
Мы оба (и я, и Семён) живем в Украине. Поэтому по понятным причинам продвигать сайт мы начали в Украине, среди своих друзей и знакомых, а наши пользователи из России уже сами нас нашли. Продвижение сайта среди москвичей будет немного попозже.
Сейчас для нас главное – сформировать ядро лояльной аудитории, людей, которые будут регулярно пользоваться сайтом не только с точки зрения «почитать», но и с точки зрения «написать что-то полезное». И мне кажется, у нас уже сейчас неплохо получается, и это в большей части заслуга именно Семёна.
Продвигать сайт мы планируем как в онлайне, так и в оффлайне. Планов масса, будем пробовать и экспериментировать.
12. Какие дальнейшие планы по развитию?
Планов – вагон и маленькая тележка. Продолжать развивать сайт и его сервисы технически, продвигать сайт среди целевой аудитории, продолжать способствовать тому, чтобы на сайте становилось все больше вещей и интересных отзывов. Ну и, конечно же, монетизировать сайт.
Кстати, в скором времени мы собираемся запустить два весьма любопытных сервиса. Не пропустите!
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The D&G glasses attacker Gucci handbagis described as Chanel handbaga white man, Coach handbagof slim build, Dior Sunglassesabout 5 foot 11 inches tall. He was described as wearing dark coloured clothing, including a top with a hood, Prada handbagwhich Chanel glasses was up. D&G handbag
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The Cartier Watch attack Nike Air Force shoes took place at Nike AF shoes around ED jeans 8.20pm on Thursday,NBA Star Shoes March OMEGA Watch 17 near D&G Man leather shoes to the Armani glasses junction of Supra shoes St Albans Armanni cap Road West CA cap and GHD hair Selwyn Drive. CA shoes
PC TAGHEUER Watch Ilana Timberland shoes Cohen LV sunglasses said: “This was a particularly violent stranger attack. UGG boots
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The D&G glasses attacker Gucci handbagis described as Chanel handbaga white man, Coach handbagof slim build, Dior Sunglassesabout 5 foot 11 inches tall. He was described as wearing dark coloured clothing, including a top with a hood, Prada handbagwhich Chanel glasses was up. D&G handbag
Anyone Polo handbagwith any Dior handbaginformation LV Walletcan telephone Gucci glasses police on Chanel Wallet0845 33 00 222.Coach Wallet
FiveFingers Vibram shoes are made with thin materials and are very lightweight.vibram five fingers shoes have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, making them away from harm; increase the friction, people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. There are many kinds of five fingers at the online store vibram, such as vibram fivefingers, 5 finger shoes Vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers Vibram Shoes , vibram 5 fingers. These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. finger shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, Five Fingers Shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. These vibram fivefingers are referred to as Physiological footwear. Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. The lightweight materials of the FiveFingers Vibram shoe hug your foot for an almost custom fit. There are no loose gaps for your foot to slide around in, but the shoes are not constrictive because the materials are stretchy and flexible.
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The excitement surrounding Louis Vuitton Bags Santa Monica Place mall was palpable Thursday night as a gaggle of glamorous guests filed into the newly opened Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags boutique to Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags celebrate the brand’s LV Bags first Westside location. Cheap LV Bags Many people Lv Handbags showed their love for the brand by wearing some of Louis Vuitton’s most statement-making pieces.Louis Vuitton Bags Cameron Silver arrived in a marigold blazer Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags and matching shorts, Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags a yellow- and gray-striped scarf,LV Bags two-tone sneakers and Cheap LV Bags gold sunglasses all by Lv Handbags. And one woman accessorized her black cocktail dress with sequin Louis Vuitton pumps from the winter 2010 collection, a couple layers of fleur and crown pendants, while toting a purple sequin Rococo pouch from the evening bag line.
It was a true Sexy lingerie celebration of the house and the highly anticipated Sexy sexy lingerie 3,200-square-foot beachside location sexy lingerie lingerie which carries men’s and women’s bags, shoes and accessories. sexy lingerie “We’ve been looking forward to opening a store on sexy sexy lingerie the Westside, but just needed the right environment,” sexy lingerie lingerie said Charles Delapalme, Louis Vuitton Bags senior vice president of Louis Vuitton’s Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags western region stores. Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags And though it’s just been open two weeks, LV Bags he says that customers have been gravitating Cheap LV Bags toward the store’s beach-friendly items such as sunglasses and the light gray- and ivory-checked Damier Lv Handbags Azure collection that women can carry from the beach to dinner.
The beach theme carried right UGG boots on through to the after-party,UGGs shoes&slippers which was held at the Annenberg UGG boots beach house right off PCH. Stylish celebrities UGGs shoes&slippers such as Kristen Bell, Serena UGG boots Williams, Dita von Teese, UGGs shoes&slippersGabrielle Reese, Rachel Zoe and Eva Amurri (the latter three ladies acted as hosts for the event, which benefited Heal the Bay), mingled around a decadent table of lobster tails and oysters as well as on the house’s back deck that overlooked the ocean. A percussion band dressed in beachy whites jammed outside, illuminated by Louis Vuitton logos projected on the wall behind them.
It was truly a “Vuitton goes to the beach” affair, lavish, upbeat but relaxed California-style and full of the brands’s top fans.
-- Melissa Magsaysay
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The excitement surrounding Louis Vuitton Bags Santa Monica Place mall was palpable Thursday night as a gaggle of glamorous guests filed into the newly opened Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags boutique to Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags celebrate the brand’s LV Bags first Westside location. Cheap LV Bags Many people Lv Handbags showed their love for the brand by wearing some of Louis Vuitton’s most statement-making pieces.Louis Vuitton Bags Cameron Silver arrived in a marigold blazer Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags and matching shorts, Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags a yellow- and gray-striped scarf,LV Bags two-tone sneakers and Cheap LV Bags gold sunglasses all by Lv Handbags. And one woman accessorized her black cocktail dress with sequin Louis Vuitton pumps from the winter 2010 collection, a couple layers of fleur and crown pendants, while toting a purple sequin Rococo pouch from the evening bag line.
It was a true Sexy lingerie celebration of the house and the highly anticipated Sexy sexy lingerie 3,200-square-foot beachside location sexy lingerie lingerie which carries men’s and women’s bags, shoes and accessories. sexy lingerie “We’ve been looking forward to opening a store on sexy sexy lingerie the Westside, but just needed the right environment,” sexy lingerie lingerie said Charles Delapalme, Louis Vuitton Bags senior vice president of Louis Vuitton’s Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags western region stores. Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags And though it’s just been open two weeks, LV Bags he says that customers have been gravitating Cheap LV Bags toward the store’s beach-friendly items such as sunglasses and the light gray- and ivory-checked Damier Lv Handbags Azure collection that women can carry from the beach to dinner.
The beach theme carried right UGG boots on through to the after-party,UGGs shoes&slippers which was held at the Annenberg UGG boots beach house right off PCH. Stylish celebrities UGGs shoes&slippers such as Kristen Bell, Serena UGG boots Williams, Dita von Teese, UGGs shoes&slippersGabrielle Reese, Rachel Zoe and Eva Amurri (the latter three ladies acted as hosts for the event, which benefited Heal the Bay), mingled around a decadent table of lobster tails and oysters as well as on the house’s back deck that overlooked the ocean. A percussion band dressed in beachy whites jammed outside, illuminated by Louis Vuitton logos projected on the wall behind them.
It was truly a “Vuitton goes to the beach” affair, lavish, upbeat but relaxed California-style and full of the brands’s top fans.
-- Melissa Magsaysay
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Cufflinks originated in Europe and cufflinks become widely popular silver cufflinks during 14-20 century. Over time, cufflinks silver the cuff link developed and became a cufflinks for men more sophisticated part of a man’s wardrobe. But until now, there is men cufflinks no cufflinks of any Chinese elements. In order to cufflinks men fill up the blank of this field, out gold cufflinks company has design and launch a series of “Beijing opera mask cufflinks” which represent the cufflinks gold Chinese characteristics. As the sterling cufflinks Quintessence of Chinese culture, we believe they will be welcomed by everyone mens cufflinks.
Cufflinks originated in Europe and cufflinks become widely popular silver cufflinks during 14-20 century. Over time, cufflinks silver the cuff link developed and became a cufflinks for men more sophisticated part of a man’s wardrobe. But until now, there is men cufflinks no cufflinks of any Chinese elements. In order to cufflinks men fill up the blank of this field, out gold cufflinks company has design and launch a series of “Beijing opera mask cufflinks” which represent the cufflinks gold Chinese characteristics. As the sterling cufflinks Quintessence of Chinese culture, we believe they will be welcomed by everyone mens cufflinks.
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Cufflinks originated in Europe and cufflinks become widely popular silver cufflinks during 14-20 century. Over time, cufflinks silver the cuff link developed and became a cufflinks for men more sophisticated part of a man’s wardrobe. But until now, there is men cufflinks no cufflinks of any Chinese elements. In order to cufflinks men fill up the blank of this field, out gold cufflinks company has design and launch a series of “Beijing opera mask cufflinks” which represent the cufflinks gold Chinese characteristics. As the sterling cufflinks Quintessence of Chinese culture, we believe they will be welcomed by everyone mens cufflinks.
Cufflinks originated in Europe and cufflinks become widely popular silver cufflinks during 14-20 century. Over time, cufflinks silver the cuff link developed and became a cufflinks for men more sophisticated part of a man’s wardrobe. But until now, there is men cufflinks no cufflinks of any Chinese elements. In order to cufflinks men fill up the blank of this field, out gold cufflinks company has design and launch a series of “Beijing opera mask cufflinks” which represent the cufflinks gold Chinese characteristics. As the sterling cufflinks Quintessence of Chinese culture, we believe they will be welcomed by everyone mens cufflinks.
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Cufflinks originated in Europe and cufflinks become widely popular silver cufflinks during 14-20 century. Over time, cufflinks silver the cuff link developed and became a cufflinks for men more sophisticated part of a man’s wardrobe. But until now, there is men cufflinks no cufflinks of any Chinese elements. In order to cufflinks men fill up the blank of this field, out gold cufflinks company has design and launch a series of “Beijing opera mask cufflinks” which represent the cufflinks gold Chinese characteristics. As the sterling cufflinks Quintessence of Chinese culture, we believe they will be welcomed by everyone mens cufflinks.
Cufflinks originated in Europe and cufflinks become widely popular silver cufflinks during 14-20 century. Over time, cufflinks silver the cuff link developed and became a cufflinks for men more sophisticated part of a man’s wardrobe. But until now, there is men cufflinks no cufflinks of any Chinese elements. In order to cufflinks men fill up the blank of this field, out gold cufflinks company has design and launch a series of “Beijing opera mask cufflinks” which represent the cufflinks gold Chinese characteristics. As the sterling cufflinks Quintessence of Chinese culture, we believe they will be welcomed by everyone mens cufflinks.
The excitement surrounding Louis Vuitton Bags Santa Monica Place mall was palpable Thursday night as a gaggle of glamorous guests filed into the newly opened Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags boutique to Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags celebrate the brand’s LV Bags first Westside location. Cheap LV Bags Many people Lv Handbags showed their love for the brand by wearing some of Louis Vuitton’s most statement-making pieces.Louis Vuitton Bags Cameron Silver arrived in a marigold blazer Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags and matching shorts, Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags a yellow- and gray-striped scarf,LV Bags two-tone sneakers and Cheap LV Bags gold sunglasses all by Lv Handbags. And one woman accessorized her black cocktail dress with sequin Louis Vuitton pumps from the winter 2010 collection, a couple layers of fleur and crown pendants, while toting a purple sequin Rococo pouch from the evening bag line.
It was a true Sexy lingerie celebration of the house and the highly anticipated Sexy sexy lingerie 3,200-square-foot beachside location sexy lingerie lingerie which carries men’s and women’s bags, shoes and accessories. sexy lingerie “We’ve been looking forward to opening a store on sexy sexy lingerie the Westside, but just needed the right environment,” sexy lingerie lingerie said Charles Delapalme, Louis Vuitton Bags senior vice president of Louis Vuitton’s Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags western region stores. Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags And though it’s just been open two weeks, LV Bags he says that customers have been gravitating Cheap LV Bags toward the store’s beach-friendly items such as sunglasses and the light gray- and ivory-checked Damier Lv Handbags Azure collection that women can carry from the beach to dinner.
The beach theme carried right UGG boots on through to the after-party,UGGs shoes&slippers which was held at the Annenberg UGG boots beach house right off PCH. Stylish celebrities UGGs shoes&slippers such as Kristen Bell, Serena UGG boots Williams, Dita von Teese, UGGs shoes&slippersGabrielle Reese, Rachel Zoe and Eva Amurri (the latter three ladies acted as hosts for the event, which benefited Heal the Bay), mingled around a decadent table of lobster tails and oysters as well as on the house’s back deck that overlooked the ocean. A percussion band dressed in beachy whites jammed outside, illuminated by Louis Vuitton logos projected on the wall behind them.
It was truly a “Vuitton goes to the beach” affair, lavish, upbeat but relaxed California-style and full of the brands’s top fans.
-- Melissa Magsaysay
One thing to note is that there are many cheap wow power leveling and wow gold companies allow you to actually choose some really great wow power leveling and wow gold service.
Cufflinks originated in Europe and cufflinks become widely popular silver cufflinks during 14-20 century. Over time, cufflinks silver the cuff link developed and became a cufflinks for men more sophisticated part of a man’s wardrobe. But until now, there is men cufflinks no cufflinks of any Chinese elements. In order to cufflinks men fill up the blank of this field, out gold cufflinks company has design and launch a series of “Beijing opera mask cufflinks” which represent the cufflinks gold Chinese characteristics. As the sterling cufflinks Quintessence of Chinese culture, we believe they will be welcomed by everyone mens cufflinks.
Cufflinks originated in Europe and cufflinks become widely popular silver cufflinks during 14-20 century. Over time, cufflinks silver the cuff link developed and became a cufflinks for men more sophisticated part of a man’s wardrobe. But until now, there is men cufflinks no cufflinks of any Chinese elements. In order to cufflinks men fill up the blank of this field, out gold cufflinks company has design and launch a series of “Beijing opera mask cufflinks” which represent the cufflinks gold Chinese characteristics. As the sterling cufflinks Quintessence of Chinese culture, we believe they will be welcomed by everyone mens cufflinks.
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All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?
All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?
All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?
All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?
All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?
All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?
All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?
All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?
All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?
All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?
A pair of vibram five fingers shoes have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, making them away from harm; increase the friction, people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers at the online store vibram, such as vibram fivefingers, 5 finger shoes Smartwool, vibram 5 fingers Vibram Shoes , vibram 5 fingers. These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. finger shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, Five Fingers Shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. These vibram fivefingers
are referred to as Physiological footwear. Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world? Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method.
A pair of vibram five fingers shoes have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, making them away from harm; increase the friction, people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers at the online store vibram, such as vibram fivefingers, 5 finger shoes Smartwool, vibram 5 fingers Vibram Shoes , vibram 5 fingers. These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. finger shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, Five Fingers Shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. These vibram fivefingers
are referred to as Physiological footwear. Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world? Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method.
A pair of Vibram Five Fingers Shoes have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, making them away from harm; increase the friction, people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of fivefingers
at the online store Vibram Fivefingers, such as vibram five finger
, 5 finger shoes vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers Vibram Shoes , vibram 5 fingers. These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. finger shoes
are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, Five Fingers Shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. These vibram five finger
are referred to as Physiological footwear. Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world? Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method.
A pair of Vibram Five Fingers Shoes have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, making them away from harm; increase the friction, people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of fivefingers
at the online store Vibram Fivefingers, such as vibram five finger
, 5 finger shoes vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers Vibram Shoes , vibram 5 fingers. These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. finger shoes
are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, Five Fingers Shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. These vibram five finger
are referred to as Physiological footwear. Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world? Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method.
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The excitement surrounding Louis Vuitton Bags Santa Monica Place mall was palpable Thursday night as a gaggle of glamorous guests filed into the newly opened Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags boutique to Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags celebrate the brand’s LV Bags first Westside location. Cheap LV Bags Many people Lv Handbags showed their love for the brand by wearing some of Louis Vuitton’s most statement-making pieces.Louis Vuitton Bags Cameron Silver arrived in a marigold blazer Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags and matching shorts, Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags a yellow- and gray-striped scarf,LV Bags two-tone sneakers and Cheap LV Bags gold sunglasses all by Lv Handbags. And one woman accessorized her black cocktail dress with sequin Louis Vuitton pumps from the winter 2010 collection, a couple layers of fleur and crown pendants, while toting a purple sequin Rococo pouch from the evening bag line.
It was a true Sexy lingerie celebration of the house and the highly anticipated Sexy sexy lingerie 3,200-square-foot beachside location sexy lingerie lingerie which carries men’s and women’s bags, shoes and accessories. sexy lingerie “We’ve been looking forward to opening a store on sexy sexy lingerie the Westside, but just needed the right environment,” sexy lingerie lingerie said Charles Delapalme, Louis Vuitton Bags senior vice president of Louis Vuitton’s Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags western region stores. Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags And though it’s just been open two weeks, LV Bags he says that customers have been gravitating Cheap LV Bags toward the store’s beach-friendly items such as sunglasses and the light gray- and ivory-checked Damier Lv Handbags Azure collection that women can carry from the beach to dinner.
The beach theme carried right UGG boots on through to the after-party,UGGs shoes&slippers which was held at the Annenberg UGG boots beach house right off PCH. Stylish celebrities UGGs shoes&slippers such as Kristen Bell, Serena UGG boots Williams, Dita von Teese, UGGs shoes&slippersGabrielle Reese, Rachel Zoe and Eva Amurri (the latter three ladies acted as hosts for the event, which benefited Heal the Bay), mingled around a decadent table of lobster tails and oysters as well as on the house’s back deck that overlooked the ocean. A percussion band dressed in beachy whites jammed outside, illuminated by Louis Vuitton logos projected on the wall behind them.
It was truly a “Vuitton goes to the beach” affair, lavish, upbeat but relaxed California-style and full of the brands’s top fans.
-- Melissa Magsaysay
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The excitement surrounding Louis Vuitton Bags Santa Monica Place mall was palpable Thursday night as a gaggle of glamorous guests filed into the newly opened Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags boutique to Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags celebrate the brand’s LV Bags first Westside location. Cheap LV Bags Many people Lv Handbags showed their love for the brand by wearing some of Louis Vuitton’s most statement-making pieces.Louis Vuitton Bags Cameron Silver arrived in a marigold blazer Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags and matching shorts, Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags a yellow- and gray-striped scarf,LV Bags two-tone sneakers and Cheap LV Bags gold sunglasses all by Lv Handbags. And one woman accessorized her black cocktail dress with sequin Louis Vuitton pumps from the winter 2010 collection, a couple layers of fleur and crown pendants, while toting a purple sequin Rococo pouch from the evening bag line.
It was a true Sexy lingerie celebration of the house and the highly anticipated Sexy sexy lingerie 3,200-square-foot beachside location sexy lingerie lingerie which carries men’s and women’s bags, shoes and accessories. sexy lingerie “We’ve been looking forward to opening a store on sexy sexy lingerie the Westside, but just needed the right environment,” sexy lingerie lingerie said Charles Delapalme, Louis Vuitton Bags senior vice president of Louis Vuitton’s Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags western region stores. Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags And though it’s just been open two weeks, LV Bags he says that customers have been gravitating Cheap LV Bags toward the store’s beach-friendly items such as sunglasses and the light gray- and ivory-checked Damier Lv Handbags Azure collection that women can carry from the beach to dinner.
The beach theme carried right UGG boots on through to the after-party,UGGs shoes&slippers which was held at the Annenberg UGG boots beach house right off PCH. Stylish celebrities UGGs shoes&slippers such as Kristen Bell, Serena UGG boots Williams, Dita von Teese, UGGs shoes&slippersGabrielle Reese, Rachel Zoe and Eva Amurri (the latter three ladies acted as hosts for the event, which benefited Heal the Bay), mingled around a decadent table of lobster tails and oysters as well as on the house’s back deck that overlooked the ocean. A percussion band dressed in beachy whites jammed outside, illuminated by Louis Vuitton logos projected on the wall behind them.
It was truly a “Vuitton goes to the beach” affair, lavish, upbeat but relaxed California-style and full of the brands’s top fans.
-- Melissa Magsaysay
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The excitement surrounding Louis Vuitton Bags Santa Monica Place mall was palpable Thursday night as a gaggle of glamorous guests filed into the newly opened Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags boutique to Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags celebrate the brand’s LV Bags first Westside location. Cheap LV Bags Many people Lv Handbags showed their love for the brand by wearing some of Louis Vuitton’s most statement-making pieces.Louis Vuitton Bags Cameron Silver arrived in a marigold blazer Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags and matching shorts, Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags a yellow- and gray-striped scarf,LV Bags two-tone sneakers and Cheap LV Bags gold sunglasses all by Lv Handbags. And one woman accessorized her black cocktail dress with sequin Louis Vuitton pumps from the winter 2010 collection, a couple layers of fleur and crown pendants, while toting a purple sequin Rococo pouch from the evening bag line.
It was a true Sexy lingerie celebration of the house and the highly anticipated Sexy sexy lingerie 3,200-square-foot beachside location sexy lingerie lingerie which carries men’s and women’s bags, shoes and accessories. sexy lingerie “We’ve been looking forward to opening a store on sexy sexy lingerie the Westside, but just needed the right environment,” sexy lingerie lingerie said Charles Delapalme, Louis Vuitton Bags senior vice president of Louis Vuitton’s Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags western region stores. Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags And though it’s just been open two weeks, LV Bags he says that customers have been gravitating Cheap LV Bags toward the store’s beach-friendly items such as sunglasses and the light gray- and ivory-checked Damier Lv Handbags Azure collection that women can carry from the beach to dinner.
The beach theme carried right UGG boots on through to the after-party,UGGs shoes&slippers which was held at the Annenberg UGG boots beach house right off PCH. Stylish celebrities UGGs shoes&slippers such as Kristen Bell, Serena UGG boots Williams, Dita von Teese, UGGs shoes&slippersGabrielle Reese, Rachel Zoe and Eva Amurri (the latter three ladies acted as hosts for the event, which benefited Heal the Bay), mingled around a decadent table of lobster tails and oysters as well as on the house’s back deck that overlooked the ocean. A percussion band dressed in beachy whites jammed outside, illuminated by Louis Vuitton logos projected on the wall behind them.
It was truly a “Vuitton goes to the beach” affair, lavish, upbeat but relaxed California-style and full of the brands’s top fans.
-- Melissa Magsaysay
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Cufflinks originated in Europe and cufflinks become widely popular silver cufflinks during 14-20 century. Over time, cufflinks silver the cuff link developed and became a cufflinks for men more sophisticated part of a man’s wardrobe. But until now, there is men cufflinks no cufflinks of any Chinese elements. In order to cufflinks men fill up the blank of this field, out gold cufflinks company has design and launch a series of “Beijing opera mask cufflinks” which represent the cufflinks gold Chinese characteristics. As the sterling cufflinks Quintessence of Chinese culture, we believe they will be welcomed by everyone mens cufflinks.
Cufflinks originated in Europe and cufflinks become widely popular silver cufflinks during 14-20 century. Over time, cufflinks silver the cuff link developed and became a cufflinks for men more sophisticated part of a man’s wardrobe. But until now, there is men cufflinks no cufflinks of any Chinese elements. In order to cufflinks men fill up the blank of this field, out gold cufflinks company has design and launch a series of “Beijing opera mask cufflinks” which represent the cufflinks gold Chinese characteristics. As the sterling cufflinks Quintessence of Chinese culture, we believe they will be welcomed by everyone mens cufflinks.
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It was truly a “Vuitton goes to the beach” affair, lavish, upbeat but relaxed California-style and full of the brands’s top fans.
-- Melissa Magsaysay
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Cufflinks originated in Europe and cufflinks become widely popular silver cufflinks during 14-20 century. Over time, cufflinks silver the cuff link developed and became a cufflinks for men more sophisticated part of a man’s wardrobe. But until now, there is men cufflinks no cufflinks of any Chinese elements. In order to cufflinks men fill up the blank of this field, out gold cufflinks company has design and launch a series of “Beijing opera mask cufflinks” which represent the cufflinks gold Chinese characteristics. As the sterling cufflinks Quintessence of Chinese culture, we believe they will be welcomed by everyone mens cufflinks.
Cufflinks originated in Europe and cufflinks become widely popular silver cufflinks during 14-20 century. Over time, cufflinks silver the cuff link developed and became a cufflinks for men more sophisticated part of a man’s wardrobe. But until now, there is men cufflinks no cufflinks of any Chinese elements. In order to cufflinks men fill up the blank of this field, out gold cufflinks company has design and launch a series of “Beijing opera mask cufflinks” which represent the cufflinks gold Chinese characteristics. As the sterling cufflinks Quintessence of Chinese culture, we believe they will be welcomed by everyone mens cufflinks.