Основным направлением деятельности компании «Веб2ПС» является разработка стартапов, развитие и поддержка контент-проектов

Денис Убоженко, leaxt.com: "Первоначально идеи монетизации были, но сейчас я от них отказался""

3 Ноя 2009

Очередной проект в Ру2.0 в лицах - это сервис, надстройка для удобства пользования популярным web2.0 сайтом-сервисом twitter.com.


Денис Убоженко, www.leaxt.com - Легкий способ сделать текст короче


1. Как, когда и для кого создавался Ваш проект?


Размещая в свой twitter (http://twitter.com/zeredd/) какие-нибудь сообщения, у меня иногда возникают ситуации, когда мне совсем чуть-чуть не хватает 140 символов, из-за чего приходится пару минут потратить на то, чтобы что-то сократить, убрать или перефразировать. В эту секунду ограничения твиттера в 140 символов жутко бесят.

Вот в такой момент, в порыве злости я и сел писать этот сервис. Создавал его в первую очередь для себя, но не забывал думать при этом, что может понравиться и еще кому-то.



 2. Какие web2.0 сервисы реализованы на вашем ресурсе? Что нового, полезного сможет выделить для себя посетитель?


Сейчас сервис не является и вряд ли когда-либо будет являться самостоятельным ресурсом. По крайней мере, я еще не придумал, как его можно сделать самостоятельным web2.0 проектом. Сейчас он является дополнением к микроблогам, у которых существует ограничение по количеству символов.

Сразу после появление сервиса меня лично, и сервис в частности, окрестили убийцей идеологии твиттера, ведь сервис позволяет разместить в твиттере достаточно большой объем текста в виде небольшого превью и ссылки на leaxt.com. С одной стороны это было смешно слышать, а с другой - это меня натолкнуло на мысли, как можно сделать так, чтобы не быть этим самым убийцей и действительно уменьшать текст. Для себя я уже

выявил три вещи, которые позволят этого добиться, все они должны появиться в следующей версии сервиса, над которой я планирую поработать в ближайшее время. 

Ну, и сразу после внедрения этого функционала, нужно будет подумать и об удобстве использования сервиса пользователями, а именно, добиться его интеграции посредством API с известными twitter-клиентами.  


3. Как пользователи помогают вам в усовершенствовании сервисов, какие были самые интересные предложения от них?


На данный момент мне хватило обвинения в "попытке непреднамеренного убийства".



4. Есть ли аналоги вашего ресурса, ориентировались ли вы на западный опыт?


Да, есть ряд аналогичных сервисов на западе. Увы, или к счастью, я о них узнал уже после запуска своего сервиса. Кстати, об их существовании мне подсказали как раз пользователи во время анонса проекта на Хабрахабре.

Я проанализировал эти проекты, и у меня есть мысли, которые позволят предложить пользователям больше и главное полезней функционал, чем он есть в этих проектах.


5. Какие web2,0 ресурсы вы считаете лучшими в российском/западном Интернете и почему?


Общие web2.0 ресурсы обязаны быть в первую очередь массовыми, а во вторую - полезными, только в таком случае их можно назвать успешными. Специализированные или тематические же наоборот, сначала полезными, а только потом массовыми.

Пример общих сервисов: twitter, facebook, Википедия, "ВКонтакте", Одноклассники. Из специализированных, на вскидку, сейчас могу отметить лишь Хабрахабр.


6. Насколько сложно и выгодно в настоящее время начинание подобных проектов, были ли (Есть ли) у вас инвесторы, и какие финансовые   ресурсы вы привлекали (-ете) на создание, поддержку, зарплаты сотрудникам?


Нет такого времени, в которое бы нельзя было что-то начать делать. Проблемы есть всегда и всегда будут находиться идеи их решения. На данный момент этот проект потребляет лишь мое свободное время.



7. Собираетесь ли Вы монетизировать ресурс, как?  Есть ли планы получения прибыли?


Первоначально идеи монетизации были, но сейчас я от них отказался, решив сосредоточиться на основной проблеме - как корректно для пользователей и для сервисов типа твиттера уменьшить текст.



8. Расскажите о вашей команде, кто внес (вносит) существенный вклад в создание и развитие вашего проекта? (кто программировал, кто разрабатывал дизайн? И т.д.)


Я являюсь руководителем днепропетровской студии Psyho (www.psyho.ua), но никого из ребят я пока не привлекал к проекту. Это его пилотная версия и смысла пока в "тяжелой артиллерии" нет.


9. Какое количество в данный момент зарегистрированных пользователей и какова динамика роста пользователей/сообщений?


Несмотря на то, что сервис толком не рекламировался, а также сам по себе не является чем-то ценным без, например, того же твиттера, им все же пользуются люди. Правда, 99% "урезаний" это его тестирование.

 На данный момент в день происходит от 10 до 20 "урезаний", понятно, что это очень и очень мало, но пока я не планировал и этого иметь.


10. Как вы собираетесь продвигать ваш ресурс, не только в Москве и других городах, но и в Интернет, и какую планируете посещаемость через год?


В первую очередь сделать ресурс действительно полезным, а дальше начать сотрудничать с twitter-клиентами.


11. Какие дальнейшие планы по развитию?


Пока секрет, но как только часть из них будет реализовано, вы обязательно получите пресс-релиз.


Посетить ресурс www.leaxt.com


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3 Ноя 2009
Денис Убоженко, leaxt.com: "Первоначально идеи монетизации были, но сейчас я от них отказался""
проекты: Ру 2.0 в лицах
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Plimsolls (English English) are in house athletic Supra shoes, and so are also referred to as sneakers in American English and womens vibram five finger shoes in Welsh English. The term "sneaker" is on the normal Nikes shoes frame attributed to Henry Nelson McKinney, an marketing agent for N. W. Ayer & Son, who, in 1917, coined the phrase since the rubber main designed the shoe stealthy. However, the term was in use in the lowest as earlier as 1887, since the Nike air max diary of training designed reference to "Nike schuhe" as "the determine boys give to tennis shoes. The believed of the "sneaker" do not take place along until an American inventor, Charles Goodyear, patented the Mbt schuhe for that vulcanization of rubber. While a amount of think how the major basketball vibram five fingers treksport was the well-known Converse All Stars (developed in 1917), this really is mistaken. The Spalding Supra schuhe designed shoes especially for that fixture of basketball as earlier as 1907.[citation needed.
By the earlier 1900s, sneakers experienced been getting designed by tiny rubber Air Jordan shoes who specialized within producing of bicycle tires. U.S. Rubber, released Keds in 1916, about exactly the very same time that Supra shoes was marketing and marketing its All Star. Other companies, which consists of B.F. vibram five fingers and Spalding Co., experienced been producing tennis shoes and more compact family-owned Nike outlet experienced been producing earlier cleated Nikes shoes. At first, the marketplace place for sneakers was tiny and practically invisible, but best after entire world War I, the U.S. turned to sports activities and athletes getting a method to demonstrate moral fibers and Nike shoes. The U.S. market place for sneakers grew steadily as youthful boys lined as a good offer as purchase vibram sneakers endorsed by football participant Jim Thorpe and Converse All Stars endorsed by basketball Nike shox Chuck Taylor.
In the 1970s, Supra shoes led their individual way as jogging quickly started to be wanted and so do the necessity to possess a pair of shoes for that occasion. until this time, factories experienced been worried with increased production, but now the Jordan shoes started out to market place their merchandise getting a lifestyle women supra style purpose. shortly there experienced been shoes for football, jogging, basketball, Five finger shoes—every sports movement experienced its individual shoe. This was designed feasible by podiatrist advancement of athletic shoe technology.
By the 1980s, sneakers experienced been everywhere; Woody Allen wore Supra shoes toward Nikes shoes, Led Zeppelin wore them within their 1976 documentary, and Dustin Hoffman wore them regardless of the actuality that actively playing reporter Carl Bernstein within movement image all the President's Men. The Nike air max initially designed for sports activities started to be the mainstay for most people. Nike and Reebok experienced been among the the marketplace women supra tk society leaders. Newer makers went in and away from Nike schuhe, and sneaker companies started out shelling out key endorsements to players. just one of, if not the largest, endorsements was to Chicago participant Mbt schuhe, for just about any contract with Nike to create his individual signature collection of shoes and apparel.
During the 1990s, nike outlet companies perfected their supra skytop and marketing and marketing skills. sports activities endorsements grew bigger and marketing and marketing budgets went by means of the roof. Sneakers started to be considered a style nike air Jordan, and definition of identity and character instead of humble athletic aids. Athletic shoes are also on the normal time frame used by youngsters to school.The phrase nike shoes is typically utilized for operating in a really marathon or half marathon, basketball, and tennis (amongst others) but tends to exclude shoes for sports supra shoes carried out on grass just like association football and rugby football, that are typically acknowledged as "Studs," or in North America as cleats.
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High-end marathon operating shoes will on the normal time frame take place in numerous shapes suited to numerous foot jimmy choo heels, gait etc. Generally, these nike air max are divided into neutral, overpronation and underpronation (supination) operating shoes to game the respective foot strike inside the runners.[6] As operating coach outlet turn into extra advanced, novice joggers, also to marathon runners, are starting to purchase shoes dependent on their operating design and foot arch. this really is on the normal time frame important for injury burberry bags, also to to enhance operating efficiency. There undoubtedly are a assortment of specialized shoes designed for particular supra shoes.

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All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?

All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?

All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?

All kinds of vibram 5 fingers which are so popular ,have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, increase the friction, making them away from harm; so that people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers , at the online store vibram five fingers sale, five fingers shoes such as 5 finger shoes vibram 5 fingers vibram 5 fingers , and vibram kso, vibram 5 fingers. 5 finger shoes These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. five fingers shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, five fingers shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. vibram five fingers These five fingers shoes are referred to as Physiological footwear. Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method. barefoot running Why not have a try. vibram Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world?

A pair of vibram five fingers shoes have this kind of thing in common: support for your feet, making them away from harm; increase the friction, people will not slip; shock absorber to protect joints. However,different pairs of sports shoes, sports have special requirements. There are many kinds of five fingers at the online store vibram, such as vibram fivefingers, 5 finger shoes Smartwool, vibram 5 fingers Vibram Shoes , vibram 5 fingers. These kinds of vibram 5 fingers can help you satisfied your need. They are said to offer you a sore buttock and sore thighs when you wear these shoes. finger shoes are said to be expensive, but the impact on the neuroskeletal shaped is well worth it. They are also said to tone ones thighs, stomach, and buttocks. However, Five Fingers Shoes are regarded as a means of protection to your joints and are said to even prevent varicose veins. These vibram fivefingers
are referred to as Physiological footwear. Physiotherapists even recommend this shoe as an effective therapeutic tool. What in the world? Masai Balance Shoes are the newest wearable cure, and provides many pro-body benefits of it to people with a direct, simple method.

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Please tell us about how to choose the right Supra Shoes?
Movement should be based on different needs, have a choice to buy. Because of the different requirements of exercise are not the same shoes, supra supra sports shoes on the market today can be divided according to their functions Cheap Supra Shoes, Supra Shoes UK shoes, Supra Trainers shoes, Supra Footwear shoes, Supra Vaider shoes, Supra Vaider Shoes, comfortable and equipped with shoes, casual shoes and so on.
So first, please tell us about professional supra supra sports shoes, right?
Well, there are professional supra sports shoes and soccer shoes, basketball shoes, basketball shoes, of which there are two, one is the sole veins level, suitable for indoor playing basketball wear, affordable. The other is based on the original and then add air, anti-reverse function, strengthen the role played on the ankle, the price is higher. The soccer shoe design from the soles to the uppers are designed to play football. Tilting screw used to increase the soles grip the upper edge of the enhanced resistance design.
Then the general movement should choose what kind of shoes?
Fall for jogging and other sports, so I recommend buying a pair of sports friends like Buy Supra Skytop 2 shoes, the Supra Skytop II uk shoe soles by E VA and synthetic rubber outsole, lightweight, comfortable, supra skytops shoe design rules and massive body design, deep lines , a grip, driving force. With PU leather uppers and breathable sandwich mesh design, low cost, suitable for all ages friends fitness, jogging wear. Another comprehensive training shoes are also good, with the end of rule blocks and corrugated body design, a supra skytops uk ball shoes,Supra Skytop Low running shoes and general features, affordable price.
If this is how the ladies like to sport a pair of shoes?
Men and women in physical activity and perspiration are different, so choose Supra TK Society shoes are also differences, I recommend a female friend use Supra TK Society UK shoes, Supra Bandit shoe soles such as forming a design, the use of imitation insects principles of design, shading, shapes similar to insects, PU leather upper with breathable mesh and sandwiches made, comfortable, lighter than normal shoes, 1 / 4. And there are six support shoes, wear them very uncomfortable. Suitable for aerobics, fitness, running wear.
So do professional sports and in everyday wear shoes there?
Of course, in addition to sports, casual shoes also keep feet comfortable and equipment such as Supra Bandit Mid shoes, the Supra Skytop shoe soles for the imitation of the wheel at the end of the granular design, non-slip, soft, elastic and breathable mesh design, and the price is low, for young people wear.
Select your shoes, what the consumer advice?
First, go to regular stores or shops to buy, to ensure quality. In addition, buying time to seriously try, there is the first time the best choice to wear new Supra Skytop uk shoes during the break in the movement, so that the foot gradually adapt the best choice to buy Supra Thunder shoes in the afternoon or evening, when the feet than in the morning and am slightly larger, can guarantee the accuracy of a pair of shoes.

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Financial crisis did not lead to depression Cheap Supra Skytop shoes, but special steps to accelerate the pace of integration shoes skateboarding shoes with different strategies for the industry, can be differentiated on the product, for example, some plants can be located in the professional production of Supra TK Society, Supra TK Society Shoes, Supra TK Society UK shoes, etc.; operation and management of differences, for example, some brands with their own strength, not suitable for mass brand, then specialized in market segments, bigger and stronger, and some companies do not power the country Markets, it can achieved the regional market development of enterprises.
I remember the boss of a shoe at a press conference, saw a reporter is wearing a pair of feet Supra Vaider, this is an example of shoes daily life, I believe that journalists not wear it to the boss to play slide, and they are now selling a lot of sports shoes The same is true, it can appear in your life any other occasion.And he make himself as the Supra Vaider UK and Supra Vaider Shoes two good brands.
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